Sunday, 12 May 2013

Christian Wedding In Kerala

Once the parents of bride and groom fix the marriage after mutual consultations, they have to notify theirindividual churches to procure sanction. Once the sanction is granted, they have to undergo a marriage preparation course conducted by the church. After that, at a day of their convenience (except on Fridays), they have to present themselves before the church officer for "manasammatham". After this for the next 3successive Sundays,  this engagement will be announced. This is to inform others and to give them a chance to file objection, if they have any. Alternatively this information will be displayed at the church notice board. If some objections are noticed, church will conduct an inquiry regarding this and proper actions would be taken.There is no bar on breaking the engagement.Christian Wedding preparations in household is called 'Madhuramvekkal'. Christian weddings in Kerala are held in the church.The groom invites the bride on the wedding day by sending her wedding transportation to the church and waits for her.
visit....................  Christian Wedding In Kerala

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